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- About The Brand -


How KryoActive was Born

My entire life has been a struggle to balance my physical limitations and my desire to lead an active and fit life. My parents have shared stories of as a child how walking was difficult, even just learning to kick my feet as a baby was not as easy as it should have been.

Having never received an official diagnosis for exactly what my issue was after seeing almost every orthopedic surgeon in the country, I found that it has to do with my ligaments and bones not forming correctly. My life has been built around managing pain and trying not to sprain or break anything. After needing lots of different pain medications throughout my life and having to deal with side effects ranging from sleepwalking to shaking uncontrollably for hours, I was determined to find another way. That lead to dedicating many years of studying botany, energy work, and zero balancing.  That is when I began to understand how to help myself heal, and from that, Kryoo Active + Apothecary was born.

The hemp used in Kryoo Apothecary CBD pain creams and oils comes from a trusted family farm located in Port Huron.  Helping others is something Kryoo Apothecary is passionate about.


Any other herbs are all from a farmers' co-op because I believe in helping those who help others. Support local farms allows me to have a special relationship with both the plants and the people contributing to the healing products I create for You!

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